Professional Supplement Formulators: A Must Have For Your New Project
When you decide to formulate and market a new supplement the task can seem overwhelming. You want to put a new supplement out that is effective and safe, but at the same time profitable. You know the competition in the supplement industry is fierce; therefore, you need to put out the best new supplement possible, one that will stand out above the others. To achieve this, you need to help from professional supplement formulators with experience and success formulating new supplements.
Moreover, you need professional medical writers to craft FDA-compliant marketing copy otherwise you will get an FDA Warning Letter that will ban the sale of your supplement. Cheer up! Our medical professionals can both help you to formulate your supplement and write FDA-compliant marketing copy for your supplement.
The Med Writers have formulated about 20 new supplements over the past few years and keep abreast of trends in the supplement industry. Our team includes medical professionals, including scientists with doctorates and master’s degrees in pharmacology, botany, biochemistry, and neuroscience, plus naturopathic doctors trained in the use of supplements. Our past projects include formulating a wide range of new supplements for different purposes.
Our Professional Supplement Formulators Recent Projects
Here are some of the different types of new supplement formulations we have worked on:
- 1Weight loss supplements
- 2Anxiety and depression supplements
- 3Male enhancement supplements
- 4A supplement for treating sciatica
- 5Migraine supplements
- 6A supplement for PMS
- 7Hangover supplements
- 8A supplement for OCD
- 9A children’s brain boosting supplement
- 10A children’s multivitamin/mineral supplement
- 11Pre-workout supplements
- 12An energy supplement
- 13Male and female multivitamin/mineral supplements
This is just a sampling of some of the types of new supplement formulations that our professional supplement formulators have worked on.
What Our Professional Supplement Formulators Do
There probably isn’t any type of supplement formulation that we cannot help you out with. We do all the medical research, advice on ingredients, dosages, existing patents, meeting government regulations, manufacturers, fulfillment centers, and anything else you need help with. And since we are professional medical writers, our service does not end with the supplement formulation. We can write your website sales copy and content, supplement articles, brochures, and really anything you need to market your new supplement.
So, if you want to formulate supplements and get them to market quickly, contact us and see how we can help you make your new supplement formulations a success.