• How to Choose the Best Medical Writer? – A Beginner’s Guide

    |August 27, 2022|

    If you are going to hire a medical article writer, you should know how to choose the best medical writer. Nowadays medical writing has become a highly desired job and

  • Professional Medical Immigration Application Writers for Support Letters

    |August 2, 2022|

    Immigration lawyers that prepare national interest waiver (NIW) and extraordinary ability (E11) applications for biomedical scientists need to write a support letter. To help you with that our medical immigration

  • Professional Medical Copywriters – Do They Really Exist?

    |May 15, 2022|

    As the manager of a medical writing business, I know how hard it can be to find professional medical writers who can write convincing sales copy. Usually, someone is either

  • 8(a) EDWOSB Certified Medical Writers Federal Contractors

    |November 21, 2019|

    The Med Writers is a federal 8(a) and EDWOSB certified firm, allowing us to receive sole-source awards up to $4M. We are also a MOSB, WOSB, and SDB. Our team

  • Supplement patent application writers

    |April 5, 2016|

    There is no doubt that the supplement market is booming, which is why you’ve decided to get a piece of the action and formulate your own supplement or supplement line.

  • Why Cut out the Middle Man in Medical Writing?

    |June 30, 2015|

    The middle man is a person or company that serves as the go-between for you (the client) and your medical writing service provider (i.e. The Med Writers). You explain to

  • Why Should You Choose The Med Writers?

    |March 20, 2015|

    You’re sitting in front of your computer with multiple medical writing projects on your mind. You know that they need to get done by a certain deadline but you do