Unless your website is advertising a very specialized, unusual product or service, the odds are that you have a lot of competition. Therefore, you recognize that if you want potential customers to be attracted to your site, rather than the hundreds of others that may offer a similar product or service, you need to have your website effectively optimized for the right keywords using SEO. Herein lies a SEO challenge though; if you have a medical or health-related site you want to make sure that you hire a great medical writer, someone that really understands your product or service, but a lot of medical writers don’t know much about SEO and are not great at search engine optimization. So your only option is to hire two different people, right? One to do the writing and one to do the search engine optimization. Wrong!

You don’t need to waste your time and money hiring a medical writer and an SEO expert. Here at The Med Writers, not only are we professional medical writers but we are also trained in search engine optimization techniques. How can you be sure of that? Well, no doubt the reason you are at our site right now is because you Googled a particular keyword or phrase and found us on the first page or even in the first position in your Google search. So okay, we are medical writers who know how to do search engine optimization. But what does that mean for you and your SEO?

  1. You save time – Because our medical SEO writers can do both the writing and the search engine optimization, you don’t have to waste your time posting SEO jobs and going through applications for an additional person
  2. You save money – Any business person knows that anytime you can combine services you end up with savings
  3. Your SEO website content will sound great – Because a lot of people who work in search engine optimization are not writers, they do not know how to optimize your content well while keeping the flow and readability at a premium, but our SEO medical writers do

If you are looking to save time and money plus have great-sounding SEO content that will attract visitors and turn them into customers, you need to contact us right away to see how our SEO proficient medical writers can help your website rank higher on SERPs.