If you run a medical marketing agency, you are well aware that you aren’t alone. Medical marketing agencies are a dime a dozen right now. Of course, not all medical marketing agencies were created equal. So what separates “the men from the boys”, so to speak, when it comes to having a profitable medical marketing agency? Two words – great medical copywriters. We’re not talking about good, but great – medical copywriters for marketing agencies that turn out copy that converts. Your medical marketing agency is nothing without them.

What makes great medical copywriters for marketing agencies?

So what makes a medical copywriter great, as opposed to just good? To be a great medical copywriter you need, not just sales skills, but you need to be able to understand the product or service that you are trying to sell. That’s the edge that The Med Writers can give you. We are scientists and medical writers, with several members of our team being highly trained sales writers. So basically, we know both the science behind your client’s products and services, and the techniques needed to sell them. We work with project managers in medical marketing agencies to produce copy that will blow your client’s minds.

You may be thinking though, isn’t it better to just find someone like that and have them in-house on payroll, as opposed to using remote contract medical copywriters for marketing agencies? The simple answer to that is “NO”. Let me tell you why.

Why should you hire The Med Writers’ medical copywriters for marketing agencies?

Using qualified contract medical copywriters is going to save you money and time. How? Well, you don’t need to provide a remote contract copywriter with office space to work in, a computer to work on, and let’s not forget those costly benefits packages that employees get.

There will be no training costs involved either because here at The Med Writers we have already done the legwork to find the best medical copywriters. As a result, when a new project comes up, all you need to do is tell us what the client wants, and one of our great medical copywriters will go to work. Nothing more will be needed on your end – no hand-holding, no meetings, no calls. To reduce additional costs, you should cut the middle man in medical writing.

After an agreed-upon amount of time, you will receive back credible, well-referenced work to forward on to your client. Should the need arise for edits to the copy, all you need to do is forward us the client’s comments and our medical copywriters will get the edits done immediately, at no additional cost to you.

So, if your medical marketing agency wants to save money and time, and produce copy that will keep your clients coming back for more, contact us here at The Med Writers immediately, and see how our great medical copywriters can help increase your profit margin. Really, it doesn’t make sense not to.