Every healthcare marketing executive knows the value of good content and plans to invest in more content for their organization. Yet, knowing how to create that good content is so elusive for most of them. A good content marketing strategy for healthcare can help get traffic. This isn’t just the same old strategy of sharing other people’s content. This is the stuff that gets pages to the top of Google searches.

What’s Content Marketing Strategy for Healthcare?

Content marketing strategy for healthcare is the strategy to develop various forms of content like articles, videos, infographics, and more to educate patients. A good healthcare content marketing strategy helps to increase brand awareness and organic traffic. The patient always searches for helpful content on Google. So, a successful content strategy helps in SEO.

3 Healthcare Marketing Tips

We are going to share 3 healthcare content marketing tips that will be part of your content marketing strategy for healthcare organizations.

1: Repurpose old content

Every piece of content doesn’t have to be brand new. Look at your analytics and see which pages have gotten the most traffic. These are the topics that your audience is most interested in. Take the info on those pages and try to repurpose that content with the help of a professional medical copywriter — for instance:

  • Rewrite it into new articles
  • Summarize it into an infographic
  • Expand it into a white paper or free report
  • Create social media posts based on it.

#2: Answer patients’ questions and complaints

Most healthcare organizations have a system for patients to submit feedback. Access the feedback that has been submitted and use it as topics for new content. Email your patient database with a survey asking what healthcare questions they have that they would like answered and then use those questions as topics for new content. This is a great healthcare email marketing strategy to collect topic ideas.

If your company is going to launch new medicine in the market, you need to build trust in your medicine and company. You need to engage in the community, answer their question and provide solutions to their problem. For example, if you are going to launch a Sickle cell drug, you might know  Sickle cell drug marketing obstacles and solutions. You must answer the questions about Sickle cell disease.

#3: Make simple videos

When most healthcare marketing executives think of videos, they envision having expensive videographers shooting and editing a video. While those polished advertisements are nice, that’s not what I’m talking about here. Something interesting or groundbreaking happens in your organization every day.

For example, doctors are trying new techniques, seeing rare diseases, curing diseases, and healing sick people. Secondly, they are also giving seminars, lectures, presentations, and classes. Thirdly, patients want to tell their stories of how they were seen, healed, or counseled. Record clips of it all on your smartphone, edit with free software like Microsoft Movie Maker or iMovie, and post it on your organization’s blog. Just be cognizant of patient privacy laws when recording patients. So, be sure to have any patients you record sign a consent and release form.

Hopefully, these ideas were helpful. But if your marketing department needs some help with creating content or a content strategy, please contact us.