Your business or institution needs healthcare video marketing. Videos as a marketing tool have been extensively used in the healthcare sector effectively. Add healthcare video marketing into your plans, strategies, or goals. Videos can be easy to record and upload, and useful for growing the business.

Online videos have now gained an important place in healthcare marketing, and videos are expected to make up to 80% of the total internet traffic. Users spend millions of hours watching videos every day. It is estimated that the number of internet users will reach around 5.3 billion by the end of 2023. Considering the video statistics and the faster movement toward technology with the pandemic, healthcare video marketing is a great idea. It helps your healthcare practices engage with existing patients and potential new ones.

Ideas that will help you start your Healthcare Video Marketing plan

1. Meet the healthcare professionals videos

Health is the most precious thing for everyone, and we all prefer a doctor, nurse, dentist, chiropractor, trainer that we are familiar with. Videos of your healthcare professionals on the website will familiarize your patients with the healthcare team. These videos should provide information about their qualifications, experience and years of expertise and even about them personally. This helps patients feel comfortable before they come and meet them. These types of videos are most often placed in the team or about page of your website.

2. Specialty educational videos

Talk about and give some information about your area of specialty in one of these 3 ways. First, make these videos to help patients understand their medical condition better. However, if you’re writing about a medical condition you must cite your sources. Let’s get back to videos for now! Simple videos explaining the common conditions in the area of specialty, along with the best therapies available for them do well. Think about a video with a physical therapist detailing the exercises needed to rehabilitate an ankle sprain. Or a video of a neurologist explaining things to do after a stroke.

The second kind of healthcare video marketing for a specialty is a video educating patients about what your area of specialty includes. A primary care physician would talk about the types of conditions that are treated in his/her office. The third kind of video is also about best practices in your specialty so patients know what to expect. This video can let an orthopedic surgeon explain when a bone fracture requires surgery, for example. Or an acupuncturist can explain the best practice for how deep acupuncture needles are placed.

Specialty educational videos

3. Medical procedure videos

Like specialty educational videos, medical procedure videos can include educational content about the different procedures your business or institution does. This type of videos is critical for many patients, especially those who avoid seeking healthcare due to specific beliefs, fear or uncertainty. By videoing a detailed procedure that involves your team and the technology you use, patients will know what expect. They will have the help they need to make them feel comfortable and encouraged to make an appointment and come in.

4. Patient testimonial videos

Testimonial videos are powerful tools for healthcare video marketing. They are a bridge to build reliability and trust with your patients. Since they feature patients with their own experiences, storytelling video testimonials are far more engaging and influential than other advertisements. When making these videos, try to put yourself in the patient’s shoes and develop something that will make the patient feel familiar or related to the stories within these videos.

5. Medical e-learning videos

E-learning videos and courses attract a wide range of groups, including healthcare professionals, medical students, and patients. These videos will attract new expertise to your business and raise your repetition as a place that values learning and knowledge and is always up to date with the content it provides.

6. FAQs videos

In any business, there are always questions that new patients ask frequently. Instead of answering the same questions over and over again, videos with answers to the most commonly asked questions will make it easier for you and your patients. These videos can also be added to the frequently asked questions page on your website.

7. Safety procedure videos

Safety is also a critical topic for healthcare businesses but is often forgotten by marketers. Using the right and well-maintained equipment by a qualified, well-trained staff will not only reduce your personal and financial costs but also encourage the patients to come. These videos help patients know that they are coming to an environment where risks to their health and safety are controlled. These videos show that there are fewer chances of harm and injuries. Show all the safety precautions you follow in your facility, including the measures against covid-19.

As one size cannot fit all, healthcare video marketing strategies differ from one institution to another, and so does the success rate. Although the idea of making videos for healthcare marketing might seem easy to implement, many have struggled with multi obstacles and were unsuccessful in implementing video marketing.  

Pillars to create successful healthcare marketing videos

Pillars to create successful healthcare marketing videos

1. Assign a specific team for the task

Having a team or team member responsible for creating, producing, and posting videos is the key to success with your healthcare video marketing plan.

2. Achieve small goals within a specified timeframe

Open plans lack urgency. Set small goals with deadlines each week.

3. Keep your videos professional and real

Focus on producing videos that suit your audience. Make sure the videos represent what you do. Provide accurate information about your team and operations. Professional videos can be recorded on a cell phone or webcam – you do not need to hire a videographer to create professional videos.

4. Continuously track your plan and results

Having a tracking system is essential for improving continually. Measure how many videos you posted in a period of time. Also, track the results of each video using Google Analytics to see traffic to the video.

5. Focus on improving patient satisfaction

One of the critical aspects of high-quality healthcare is person-centeredness. Ask patients about their satisfaction. This lets them know how much you respect and value their satisfaction. It will also help you develop ideas for future videos.

6. Increase access to your videos by optimizing them for search engines

Videos cannot succeed without getting views and reaching the target audience. Healthcare video marketing should positively affect your site’s search engine rank. Optimize your videos for search engines by developing high-quality, engaging, and exclusive content that will interest your audience. Make sure to have a caption with keywords and a summary in the description underneath.

Increase access to your videos by optimizing them for search engines

Experts in digital marketing believe that healthcare video marketing will continue to rise over the coming years as one of the most influential trends. No matter what types of videos you create, healthcare video marketing is a success based on views, comments and patients booking appointments.