Immigration lawyers that prepare national interest waiver (NIW) and extraordinary ability (E11) applications for biomedical scientists need to write a support letter. To help you with that our medical immigration application writers for support letters are here.

This medical immigration application support letter needs to be written simply enough that an immigration examiner can understand it, yet convey the scientific and medical significance of the applicant’s work.

Medical Immigration Application Writers for Support Letters

Therefore, it is best to have it written by biomedical scientists that understand what the applicant does. This makes for a much more effective medical immigration application letter with a lot less of your time. Our medical immigration application writers are promising and experienced with the right skills required.

Generally, an immigration attorney working on a medical immigration application for a biomedical research employee via a NIW or E11 application gathers a lot of information from the applicant and from his/her peers via questionnaires and reference letters.

This highly technical medical writing has to be compiled into a summary letter that would make sense to an immigration examiner.

Most immigration attorneys are preparing these NIW or E11 medical immigration application summary letters themselves, or they have a legal assistant helping them. Having the expertise of medical immigration application writers for writing the summary letter is a huge help.

How We Work on Writing Medical Immigration Application Support Letters

Our immigration lawyer clients send us all the information and letters they have gathered and we write the summary letter – no hand holding or micromanaging needed.

If edits are required, they call or send an email with the desired changes and we edit it quickly. Having a team of medical writers on hand, available to help anytime, is invaluable.

Also, having biomedical experts that can understand what the applicant does, makes for a more effective and dynamic immigration application summary letter, resulting in a higher success rate for your applications.

And you know what an impressive track record and fast turnaround times mean, right? You will be able to attract more clients.

If you’re an immigration attorney and are interested in getting help with writing your medical immigration application summary letters for your national interest waiver or extraordinary ability cases, contact us for a quote, turnaround times, and any other information you need. We can get started right away if you need us to.