You recognize that the supplement market is sizzling right now and you want a piece of that pie. You’ve come up with a great idea for your first supplement, but where do you go from there? Any successful business owner will tell you that in order to get your new business off to a great start you should get the help and advice of someone experienced, someone who really knows what they are doing. That’s what you need to do: find an expert, someone who has experience in formulating supplements, like gummy formulators or others. They can hold your hand and help you through this new venture.

First of all, expert supplement formulators can give you feedback on whether he/she feels that your supplement idea is really marketable if it will be successful; and if not, they can make suggestions for changes or improvements. Once you’ve established that your idea for a supplement formulation can actually make money, your supplement formulator will help you to formulate the best supplement possible, ensuring that your formulation will be effective and safe. How will they do this?
Well, first they are going to see what the competition is doing, and what ingredients they are using. Then, your supplement formulator will search for additional ingredients that are not yet being used, ones that may be more effective or safe, thus giving your supplement formulation an edge over the competitors. Once your supplement formulator has completed their research and gathered all the relevant information, they will then make a recommendation on which ingredients to include in your supplement formulation, and at what dosages.

However, your relationship with your supplement formulator doesn’t end there. They will also recommend finding a good supplement manufacturer to handle any questions that the manufacturer may have regarding your supplement formulation. Basically, your supplement formulator will be with you every step of the way as you bring to life your idea for a new supplement formulation.

So, where can you find these expert supplement formulators that we’ve been talking about? Well, you’ve already found them. The Med Writers have formulated more than 50 supplements in the past few years and would love to help you get your first supplement formulation to market. Contact us right away for more information and a quote.